Thursday, March 13, 2014

You Can Recover!

My last blog was titled, "Can You Recover?" This will actually be part 2 of that blog, but I have changed the title to state the fact that you actually can recover if you are not where you want to be in this life. But in order to do this you will have to make some decisions that are contrary to the decisions that you have been making. I know that some may already be clicking off of this post right about now, but if you want help the Word of God has answers.

One of the biggest things that I see today in the Body of Christ is deception abounding. There are so many that are living by this word or that word, or this devotion or that devotion. I am not against anyone or any devotion, so long as they line up with God's word. But from the majority of what I read, at the very most, it is only a part of God's word, and not the whole counsel or rightly divided. It is also usually hand picked to make me feel very special and very good. Of course, all of God's Word is good. If I follow and obey it, then it will produce good results and feelings as well. All of this is true.

It is also true that the Word of God is the mirror that I am to look at continually. It is also true that when I am not getting the results that have been promised in God's word it would be wise to make sure I am obeying it. God's Word never fails! If I am failing in my life I cannot be speaking and acting on God's Word because it does not produce failure.

What seems to be going on and one area that deception seems to be abounding most is in this area of daily living. I see people who are not succeeding and they are not happy in their lives. Many of them will be honest and even tell you this. But they spend much time following behind ministers and others who only tell them what they want to hear. They only tell them what makes them feel good. This is dangerous because this is the formula that will keep you in that bad way for the rest of your life.This is not the way we want to go.

I have lived both for God and for the devil. I am not proud of that, but it's true nonetheless. I remember one time that things weren't right in my life. I had been hungry for God before, but wasn't hungry at this time. I sat there thinking about the position I was in and where I wanted to be in my life. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked, "What were you doing during the times you so hungry for me?" This got me to thinking. I realized that it was what I was doing a that time that was producing those Godly results in my life. The Holy Spirit said, "If you will get back to doing what you were doing at that time you will begin to get the same results you were getting then."

It is not just the Word of God that will change your life! James 1:22 says, "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." It is when you know, act on, and obey God's word that it produces results in your life. It is important to go to a word church, but that in and of itself will not change your life. If they preach the word at your church then they are loading you up with seed. But it is your responsibility to plant that seed!

This must be understood if we are ever going to come out of where we are today. God wants the best for us and has proven that by giving us the best, Jesus Christ. You and I must take advantage of God's word and walk in the authority we have in the Name of Jesus if we are going to succeed.

You can come out of any place you are in today, but you cannot do it without obeying God's word! Peter was one of the first apostles (Matthew 10:2). Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus (Matthew 14:29). Peter declared his allegiance to Jesus several times. Even when Jesus predicted Peter's denial Peter told Jesus he would never betray him. Peter did mess up and deny Jesus. This brought Peter to a bad place in his life. The bible says that Peter wept bitterly after his decision. Peter knew he messed up. But another point that must be noted is that Jesus never gave up on Peter, and Jesus has never given up on you! Jesus prayed for Peter's restoration ahead of time and even called for him after he was resurrected (Mark 16:7).

If you will draw near to God today he will draw near to you (James 4:8). Don't stay where you are today in life if you are in a bad way. This is not God's plan for your life. God desires that you prosper in every way and that you have the fruit of the Spirit abounding in your life. Open your heart and life up to him and be willing to examine yourself in the light of God's word. By receiving and applying the word of God in your life things will have no option but to change for the better. God's word always works!