Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16,2009

Well, it's been a couple weeks at least since I wrote anything on my blog so I figured it's time. There are so many great things that are going on that something to write about is not the problem, but finding time to write is the problem.

On yesterday we celebrated Homecoming (24 years and counting) and everything went so great. The anointing to preach was so strong and the crowd was ministered to wonderfully. It is amazing what the Lord can do if we will only yield to him. I have been anointed to teach for some time now and the gifts have been flowing more than ever, but I also enjoy this new anointing to preach like never before. It really encourages people when they can see the anointing and know that it is not a show. How awesome it would be if we would all walk in the anointing that God has for us!

I know that it is because we have stayed in line with God's word and not followed a bunch of foolishness and false doctrines, but it is amazing what God is doing in this church. I honestly do not know one thing that is not getting better! It is happening just like the word said it would! My life at home, our church, our attendance, and even our finances have all increased drastically. God is truly vindicating those that have stayed the course! All of my life I have watched people attack the uncompromised gospel only to see them fall after a short period of time.

I never enjoy seeing people fall, but it does vindicate the gospel when people lead others astray by attacking the truth and then what they call truth doesn't work out so well for them. For some time now my messages have not been very popular, but they are still the truth that never changes and will set you free!

As Dad used to say, "God's word always works!" We are truly living in the best times of our life. Remember that Jesus is coming back for a glorious church and we are being transformed into that daily. I can see it happening right before my eyes!

Until next time,

Pastor J