Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 22,2011

It is amazing at how fast the times are changing around us. If you focus on all that is going on and on what you see you will definitely grow frustrated. I choose to focus on God and his promises for my life. It is so comfortable to know God and his faithfulness. Everything around you may change, but God never will!

It has been so amazing to me what God is doing in our lives and ministry. It is true that things have been uncomfortable for us simply because they are so different. It is also true that God is doing just as he has promised! Resurrection Life Church is now up and running. As usual, God is doing just as he said he would. He has blessed us with awesome people already and more are coming weekly. They are soaking up the word and the anointing is increasing in every service.

I believe it will only increase from here on out. The Holy Spirit desires to move greatly in this area and he will do just that as we yield to him.

I ask you to continually pray that God will have his way among us as we move forward together to accomplish his will.

Pastor J