Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013

Pray for one another

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

I don't think many Christians realize just how important it is that we spend time in prayer for each other. We have so many things to deal with in our own lives each day that there doesn't seem to be much time left for anything or anyone else. I understand schedules and time constraints myself. Laura Leigh and I seem to be going and doing for the church every day. We must take time for each other in order for our marriage to be healthy. Then, we have Jay, Lauren, and McKenzie to take care of also. It is important that we do take care of all of our responsibilities.

We also teach people that God wants you blessed (3 John 2). We teach you how to pray and walk by faith to receive those blessings. Again, there is nothing wrong with you being blessed.

But, we cannot forget those around us that God has placed in our lives! This is one area that being in ministry gives me a different viewpoint than others may have. I want to say something to you now that you may not realize, but it's still true. There are people in your life right now that are facing some of the biggest battles they have ever faced in their lives! Most people don't want everyone to know what they are facing, but that doesn't mean they aren't facing anything.

I want to leave you with an example of this recently. The Holy Spirit strongly prompted me to minister along a specific line on a Thursday night. This was different than what I had planned, but I obeyed. He told me, "there is somebody in your midst this night that their life is hanging in the balance." Now, I had to step out by faith because I knew of no one in my church that was in this situation. This message was about your thoughts and how the devil had been lying to them that there was no hope. I was shocked at the response! Although I didn't know of anyone facing these situations, God did! I cannot tell you how many people came through the line to tell me how much it was for them. Every single cd we made was gone immediately after service.

I learned shortly after this message that someone within my congregation had been serious contemplating taking there life. If I would have been given 10 guesses about who this person was I would have never guessed. This only further proves my point!

Pray for yourself, pray for your family, pray for your finances, and pray for your health. Please don't forget to spend time praying for one another! You never know what others are going through at this time in their lives. Your prayers make much power available! Slow down with all that you have going on and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. As he impresses someone upon your heart pray for them how he leads you to. Your prayers can make all the difference they may need!

In Christ,

Pastor J